Without constant topping up and practice you may find your dogs recall starts to slip into the realms of "I'll come when ready" or even into none-existence.
To help keep your dog checking in and engaged on YOU, try playing a good old-fashioned game of hide and seek!
For dogs that are a little anxious or worried about any separation, start this at a really low level to ensure everyone is having fun and easily succeeding.
Begin with both you and your dog in the same room. When your dog's attention is otherwise engaged, sneak some treats in your hand and ninja yourself next to a table, behind the curtains or on the other-side of a door with your head poked out to the side.
When ready and in position, give your dog a call and as soon as they have found you, throw them a 20 second party of fuss, praise and treats galore!
Slowly increase the difficulty by playing in and around the house, out in the garden, on long line walkies before building it up to being off lead. When you happen to catch your dog in there own little world and it's safe to hide away, remind him of your Harry Potter antics and quickly tuck behind a tree and give them a shout. Remember, when they do find you, just make sure to reward them well.
Practice this each day and soon you will have a dog that cant stop checking in with you. If you are struggling with your dog’s recall then GET IN TOUCH for more fun recall games and advice