Sounds simple, but it's this that builds behaviour as in dog training land, "what gets rewarded gets repeated". So... if you like it, reward it.
By "it", I mean a behaviour your dog does, at anytime that you want more of. You see; we humans are a negatively biased bunch. You might play that tricky golf shot correctly 10 times, but it's the one badly sliced swing that sticks in the grey matter.
We can be guilty of doing this with our dogs. On walks your dog might check back with you for 15 minutes or more off lead. But as soon as they are about to nip off to sample that freshly made cow pat, we quickly communicate our displeasure. It'll get them thinking, well me human what is it that I can I do? I've been checking in all walk and nothing, but now I get an ear full !
So, what can we do ? Well it starts by being present. In the moment, watching and listening out for all the good things your dog does. It seems like a big ask, but let's break it down into a simple protocol you can follow called the:
SMART x 50 method
SMART X 50 is a simple yet powerful technique to improve your dog's behavior by rewarding ANYTHING you like that your dog does. First put on paper by Kathy Sdao in her book "Plenty in Life is Free," it encourages you to start capturing and rewarding the good in your dog behaviour throughout the day.
What Does SMART x 50 Mean?
SMART stands for See, Mark, And Reward Training, with "x 50" referring to the goal of rewarding your dog 50 times daily for positive behaviors. And here's how to do it:
Step 1: Prepare Your Rewards: Gather your dogs kibble or 50 low-calorie, high-value treats.
Place them in a central spot in your home (but out of your dog’s reach).
Step 2: If You Like It, Reward It! Look for moments when your dog naturally behaves well without being asked.
Lying quietly by your side? Say GOOD! And give a treat. Not barking at the postie? GOOD. Give a treat. Sitting calmly instead of jumping up.... you get the point.
It's by rewarding all these small moments you will build up a clear strategy in your dog with what works and what doesn't work.
Step 3: Repeat 50 Times A Day: Aim to reward your dog 50 times throughout the day or until the pot is empty.
It's through consistency we see changes in behaviour, and this can not only build up your dogs understanding of which behaviors are desired but shift your focus from correcting the "bad" to rewarding the good. You'll encourage your dog to repeat those behaviors, building better habits over time for not only your dog, but you too.
Try SMART x 50 and see the results for yourself. Now one more time, repeat after me, If you like it.....